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GUM Training

Below is some information regarding GUM training, the curriculum, exams, opportunities within training and committees which oversee our training.

If you are interested in a higher specialty training in GUM and would like to talk to a trainee, please contact or tweet @bashh_trainees.


STASHH - Student and Trainee Association for Sexual Health and HIV

STASHH was formed in 2021 to improve recruitment to Sexual Health & HIV medicine by facilitating clinical & academic opportunities for medical students & Pre-specialty Trainees. Follow them on Twitter and Facebook for the latest events and information @STASHH_uk.


Some Useful GUM Training Information/ Resources

1. Top 5 Reasons Why GUM is the Specialty for You

To take a read of the blog post please click here.


2. Genitourinary Medicine (GUM) training news

As of August 2022, GUM became a Group 1 speciality which means that all GUM trainees now train in both GUM and General Internal Medicine (GIM) over a 4 year training programme. Trainees spend a total of three years in GUM and one year in GIM which is divided across their four years of training and complete training with dual accreditation in GUM and GIM. As a new Group 1 speciality GUM/GIM training provides trainees with an exciting mix of sexual health / HIV and general medicine alongside hospital, outpatient and community working. GUM physicians deliver complex STI care, basic contraception care, specialist HIV prevention, and the majority of HIV outpatient and inpatient care nationally. In addition, the new dual GUM/GIM training programme means that GUM trainees are now also training and working in internal medicine. If you want to know more about GUM/GIM training from those who know best you can read this short article: Interview with our first two dually trained and accredited consultants in Genitourinary and General Internal Medicine (GUM/GIM) | Sexually Transmitted Infections ( Further information about GUM/GIM training is also available on the JRCPTB website: Genitourinary Medicine | The Federation 


3. Leaflet on Higher Specialty Training in GU Medicine


GUM Training Leaflet


4. Curriculum for Specialist Trainees

The 2016 GUM curriculum can be viewed on the JRCPTB website at: GUM Curriculum FINAL.pdf

A new curriculum for GUM and Internal Medicine has been approved by the GMC and was implemented in August 2022. All specialist trainees who commenced training on or after 1st August 2021 will complete their training in line with this new curriculum and dual CCT in GUM/IM.

The 2022 GUM curriculum can be viewed on the JRCPTB website at:



If you are considering applying for a CESR in GUM we would encourage you to:

  1. carefully read the appropriate SSG document:  specific-changes-for-cesr-in-genitourinary-medicine
  2. carefully read the relevant curricula
  3. contact our GUM CESR Lead: Dr Sarah Edwards or Deputy: Dr Daniel Richardson to discuss the application process and so that they can answer any CESR questions you may have.

Please note that:

  • without MRCP (UK) a successful CESR application is extremely difficult.
  • the CESR process is currently being reviewed and the SSGs will be updated accordingly.
  • CESR applicants have until 31 July 2024 to submit a single GUM curricula CESR after this time all GUM CESR applicants will need to submit a dual GUM/GIM curricula CESR.


6. Diploma in Genitourinary Medicine

Compulsory for all specialist trainees commencing training after January 2003.This exam is held once a year and comprises a ‘Best of five’ and ‘OSCE’ exam. You may enter or re-enter either part of the exam singularly. Exam syllabus and application forms are available from The Society of Apothecaries of London:

  A revision course is run by BASHH/BHIVA.


8. Honorary Joint Training Fellowships for Physicians

BASHH and PHE run a programme of Honorary Joint Fellowships for Physicians in Higher Specialist Training in GUM.


9. RCP Specialist Advisory Committee (SAC)

The GUM SAC is a sub-committee of the JRCPTB. The role of this committee is to contribute to the development of specialist training policy in GUM, and to advise on the delivery of training to standards proposed by the JRCPTB (and approved by the GMC) in a number of key areas:

  • To write, monitor and update the specialty training curriculum (in line with GMC standards and with GMC sign-off) and taking account of developments in the specialty and the needs of patients, the service, trainees and trainers.
  • To set the standards for medical training and assessment in the specialty.
  • To participate in the CCT process by enrolling and supporting trainees, monitoring their progress, processing requests for Out of Programme Experience, including research and making recommendations to the GMC for the award of CCT/CESR.
  • To contribute to the quality management of postgraduate training, liaising between Deaneries and Royal Colleges and facilitating the provision of external advice for training programmes.
  • To provide an annual specialty report (ASR) to the GMC, including a summary of notable practice and key issues, based on examination results, external reports and specialty reports from Heads of School.
  • To work closely with other organisations (Specialist Societies, Deaneries and Royal Colleges) in relation to training issues and workforce.
  • To contribute to recruitment to the specialty, using fair, transparent and consistent methods.


Dr Andy Williams & Dr Sarah Schoeman: Chairs of Specialist Advisory Committee in GUM – &


SAC Administrator: Amrita Gedhu -

BASHH Trainee Rep: Dr Lindsay Henderson –

BHIVA Trainee Rep: Dr. Miriam Ringshall -

Academic Trainee Rep: Dr Manik Kohli –

JRCPTB Office (GU Medicine Section)
5 St. Andrews Place
Regent's Park
London NW1 4LE
Tel: 020 7935 1174 ext. 284
Fax: 020 7486 4160

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