We are pleased to announce the publication of this document which represents the culmination of a large body of collaborative work amongst GUM and SRH clinicians of the FSRH/BASHH Integrated Sexual Health EPR Working Group. Its primary objectives are to:
To inform EHR providers what clinical services require from their systems to support effective, efficient and safe services
To provide a benchmark against which services can assess incumbent and potential EHR providers, during market engagement and tendering processes
To provide comments on this statement please utilise comments and track changes; when finished email your edited document back to Dr J Shaw at jshaw5@nhs.net . All comments will be collated for discussion with the EPR Working Group to inform the next iteration of this statement.
Many thanks to Drs Jack Shaw and Dave Pao who led this on behalf of the FSRH/BASHH Integrated Sexual Health EPR Working Group.
To support services utilising this consensus statement during a procurement process a linked assessment tool has been developed Click here