Only one-third of individuals appear to develop symptoms at the time of acquisition of infection with HSV-2. Incubation of infection from acquisition to first clinical signs and symptoms in this minority of individuals ranges from 2 days to 2 weeks.
Infection may be primary or non-primary. Disease episodes may be initial or recurrent and symptomatic or asymptomatic. It is likely that the majority of infections are acquired subclinically.
Prior infection with HSV-1 modifies the clinical manifestations of first infection by HSV-2, usually making symptoms less severe.
After childhood, symptomatic primary infection with HSV-1 is equally likely to be acquired in the genital area or oral areas.
Although primary and initial genital herpes in the UK may be caused by HSV-1 or HSV-2, the majority of infections in adults are due to HSV-1 with the probability of this over HSV-2 being greater at younger age (women <50 years, men <35years).
Following primary infection, the virus becomes latent in local sensory ganglia, periodically reactivating to cause symptomatic lesions or asymptomatic, but infectious, viral shedding.
The median recurrence rate for genital herpes after a symptomatic first episode is 0.34 recurrences/month (i.e. approximately four recurrences per year) for HSV-2 and is four times more frequent than the recurrence rate for HSV-1. Recurrence rates decline over time in most individuals, although this pattern is variable.
The majority of individuals found to be seropositive for HSV-2 type-specific antibodies subsequently develop symptomatic lesions (once aware of the range of clinical manifestations of HSV-2). In some of these individuals, the number of days when virus is shed asymptomatically exceeds the number of days of symptomatic shedding associated with lesions. Virus can be shed asymptomatically from the external genitalia, the anorectum, the cervix, and urethra.
In HIV-positive HSV-2 seropositive individuals, both symptomatic and asymptomatic shedding are increased, especially in those with low CD4 counts and those who are also seropositive for HSV-1.