Racially Minoritised Communities SIG
Racially Minoritised Communities SIG
Lived experience and robust data has highlighted unequal access and receipt of care, with specific groups being significantly more disadvantaged than others. Evidence describes that current models of healthcare provision, access and delivery are less impactful within Black, Asian and other racially minoritised communities and that this has significant repercussions on life expectancy, quality of life outcomes and healthy life years. The British Association of Sexual Health & HIV (BASHH) continues to strive to reduce inequality of access and improve the sexual health of the people of all nations within the United Kingdom.
The Racially Minoritised Special Interest Group is focussed on the sexual health needs, experiences and outcomes of people with an ethnic minority background. The group will improve the care this cohort of patients receive, educate those within the field, seek out and utilise existing evidence available, as well as create further meaningful data that identifies examples of high-quality care models, highlight racial health inequalities within the sector, and develop new methods and interventions with BASHH to assist in the promotion of equal care across all racialised communities. The group intends to distribute the best knowledge and share already used methods and techniques to support racially minoritized groups to accessing improved care that serves and supports their needs.
- Promote best clinical practice in sexual reproductive health for racially minoritized communities at a strategic/policy level including: access to information, education, health promotion, prevention, treatment and care.
- Review evidence-based guidelines and comment on local and national consultations in the area of racially minoritized populations on behalf of BASHH
- Contribute to the development of guidelines and ensure targets and commitments are met through national and local audits
- Engage and collaborate with BASHH SIGs and related community organisations to prioritise sexual health and recommend approaches for successfully executing this work among racially minoritized communities
- Support health professionals to deliver culturally sensitive practice including cultural competence and humility in their practice.
- Influence and encourage specific research within certain racially minoritized communities and disseminating to groups who would benefit from findings.
non-clinical community representatives
STASHH Representative
Steering Group
Steering Group Member
Other Members