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Adolescent Sexual Health SIG

Adolescent Sexual Health SIG

The Adolescent Sexual Health Interest Group is a SIG initially endorsed by MSSVD Council in April 2000.

Rebecca Thomson-Glover(Chair) 

Harriet Le-Voir (Secretary)

Terms of Reference:

The Adolescent special interest group comprises of clinicians working in predominantly within the field of sexual health and with an interest in issues related to the sexual health of young people and safeguarding.

We meet quarterly and plan research studies, training and educational meetings; respond to related national consultations and develop and contribute to guideline development in related fields of young people’s sexual health.

Over the past few years, we have continued to focus on safeguarding children and young people from exploitation and abuse.

ASIG review and advise on best practice to engage and provide sexual health and safeguarding care to young people.

Click here to see terms of references for the Adolescent Special Interest Group

Health appointments advice for young people

If you need a health appointment, health workers are here to help you with your physical or mental health, or to signpost you to places for support. This leaflet, created by young people and doctors, will help explain the process for having an in person, phone or video appointment.

Current Projects:

  • Updating of Brook Spotting the Signs proforma
  • National YP survey of access to sexual health clinics.
  • Update of HYPNET/CHIVA/BASHH/BHIVA guidance on the management of sexual and reproductive health for adolescents living with HIV.).
  • Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Heath (RCPCH) update of The Physical Signs of Child Sexual Abuse - BASHH ASIG stakeholder involvement

Recent Projects and Outputs:

  • ASIG Safeguarding supervision training day March 2023
  • BASHH scientific meeting March 2023
  • ASIG invited talk session at CHIVA 2023
  • ASIG educational session at BASHH2023 national conference
  • Updates to STI foundation course young person’s workshop.
  • Updated modules in e-LFH relevant to ASIG
  • Contributions to chapters within Forensic Medicine (Karen Rogstad) and Medicine (Sophie Herbert).
  • With Royal College of Paediatrics – developing PIL for virtual consultations.2022
  • BASHH STI and Related Conditions in Children and Young People 2021
  • Continued representation at the national CPAI meetings – 3 times a year, currently in virtual format
  • BASHH members Q&A national members survey about YP access to services during COVID December 2021.

Related organisations/useful resources:

Key Data for Young People

Faculty of sexual and reproductive health


Brook, the young people's sexual health & wellbeing charity


Brandon Centre for Counselling and Psychotherapy for Young People


The National Working Group (Sexually Exploited Children and Young People)


The National Society for the protection of Children


Parents against child sexual exploitation


Children’s Association of HIV


Courses/Educational Events:

Awaiting re-arranged Safeguarding Education Event Jan 2021.


ASIG input into Section 14 of the GUM curriculum

Physical Signs of Child Sexual Abuse, Launched May 2015 [2nd edition] with input from BASHH ASIG members on the STI working group. Includes chapter on STIs as a marker of abuse and section in Good Practice chapter on testing for STIs. Poster submitted to World Conference on HIV and STIs, Brisbane September 2015, with ASIG involvement acknowledged.

Response to consultation on impact and cost-effectiveness of a targeted programme of vaccinating MSM, in GU and HIV clinics (ASIG and SV groups)

BASHH ASIG Response to Home Office consultation on FGM mandatory reporting duty; coordinated by Dr Kimberley Forbes

ASIG input on BASHH NAG 2015 National re-audit of the management of under 16s (13 – 15 year olds) attending sexual health services

BASHH / HPE fellowship study led by Chris Ward on GC, CT and TV as markers of child sexual exploitation. ASIG member network used as resource for clinical data collection. Study presented as oral at BASHH Spring Meeting, Glasgow June 2015 and World Conference on HIV and STIs, Brisbane September 2015 plus poster BASHH 2016. Are sexually transmitted infections associated with child sexual exploitation (CSE) in under 16 year olds attending Genitourinary Medicine clinics.

E-learning Module for RCPCH Healthy Child e-learning programme on behalf of YAASG Management of Sexually Transmitted Infections AH_09_004 (Karen Rogstad) Click Here

BASHH ASIG stakeholder response August 2015 - NICE Call for evidence on Harmful sexual behaviour among children and young people [coordinated by Kimberley Forbes]



Olivia Hum

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Harriet Le Voir



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