BASHH response to Lord Darzi's report on the state of the National Health Service in England
12 September 2024
Lord Darzi has conducted an independent investigation into the state of the NHS in England. The report covers patient access, quality of care, and the overall performance of the health system.
Responding to the Darzi Review, Professor Matt Phillips, President of the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV, said:
“Lord Darzi concludes what those on the frontline of sexual health services have known for years; the NHS needs decisive action to avert a growing crisis.
The Prime Minister has promised fundamental reform, including a shift in focus to community care. BASHH reiterates the need for such a shift to happen with full consideration of the whole health ecosystem, including services provided through local authorities. It must acknowledge the significant role of sexual health services, and public health more broadly, in supporting better health outcomes. As highlighted in this report, these services have been subject to significant and counter-productive disinvestment over the past decade.
BASHH is calling on the Government to commit to the development of a new Sexual Health Strategy for England. Only through a strategic and measurable approach, informed by experts, can the effectiveness and sustainably of sexual health services be secured for years to come.”