BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Joint BASHH & FSRH Conference 2024 UID:43 DESCRIPTION:Joint BASHH & FSRH Conference 2024\n\nSecuring tomorrow: Innovations in Futureproofing Sexual & Reproductive Health (Zoom)\n\nThis one-day virtual conference uniquely brings together BASHH and FSRH expertise to collaboratively address complex cases in sexual and reproductive health, offering a comprehensive exploration of challenging scenarios and innovative solutions. The event will delve into the latest advancements and emerging technologies and explore what is needed on the ground to improve diagnosis, early interventions, and treatment for patients. The conference will also highlight sustainability and its role in the future of healthcare. The event will present learnings from clinical examples and how they can be applied across different pathways and how positive changes to practices and services can be achieved.\n\nDate: Wednesday 24 April 2024\n\nTime: 09:00 – 16:30\n\nVenue: Delivered via Zoom                                                                                                        \n\nRegistration: Doctors, nurses, midwifes, pharmacists, physician associates and other healthcare professionals with an interest in SRH working in the UK\n\nLearning outcomes:\n\nDevelop skills to approach complex sexual and reproductive health through the analysis of shared challenging cases, reflecting the growing complexity within the diverse populations served.\n\nUnderstand the environmental impact of providing sexual and reproductive health services. To consider and reflect on ways that healthcare professionals can reduce the environmental impact of services without compromising patient care.\n\nExplore digital developments and how to use emerging technology to improve patient care, streamline services and drive innovation.\n\n Ticket Type Price FSRH or BASHH Member £90.00\n\n Concession (Nurses, Trainees, Students) £60.00 Non-Member £105.00 Commercial company rep £150.00  \n\nRegister HERE now! \n\n \n\n DTSTART:20240424T080000Z DTEND:20240424T153000Z LOCATION:Zoom END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR